Things to Ask for in a Divorce Agreement

Divorce is a difficult process, but it is crucial to ensure that your rights and interests are protected by securing a fair and comprehensive divorce agreement. Before signing anything, you need to know what to ask for in a divorce agreement. Here are some things to consider asking for in your divorce agreement:

1. Property division

Property division is one of the most significant issues in the divorce agreement. It covers all of the property you have acquired during the marriage, including your house, cars, bank accounts, investments, and pensions. Your divorce agreement should specify how these assets will be divided fairly between you and your spouse. This is important because what was once community property becomes separate property after a divorce.

2. Alimony

Alimony is financial support paid by one spouse to the other after a divorce. If you are the breadwinner, you may be required to pay alimony to your spouse. On the other hand, if you are a stay-at-home spouse, you may be entitled to receive alimony until you are able to support yourself. Make sure that your divorce agreement includes provisions for alimony if it applies to your situation.

3. Child support

If you have children, you need to ensure that your divorce agreement provides for child support. Child support is paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent to provide financial support for the children`s needs. Your divorce agreement should specify the amount of child support that the non-custodial parent is required to pay, how often it is to be paid, and the duration of payments.

4. Custody and visitation

The custody and visitation of your children should also be specified in your divorce agreement. This is important because it determines how much time you will spend with your children and the level of decision-making power you have over their lives. Make sure that your divorce agreement reflects your wishes regarding custody and visitation.

5. Legal fees

Divorce can be an expensive process, so it`s important to consider legal fees. Your divorce agreement should specify who will pay for the legal fees. Will you and your spouse split the costs? Or will one of you pay for the other`s legal fees? Make sure that this is included in your divorce agreement.

6. Insurance

Finally, your divorce agreement should specify what happens with insurance coverage, including health insurance, life insurance, and car insurance. Ensure that the agreement also specifies who is responsible for providing insurance coverage for any children involved.

In conclusion, divorce can be a challenging process, but securing a comprehensive divorce agreement can ensure that your rights and interests are protected. Make sure to ask for these six things, among others, when you are drafting your divorce agreement. Ensure you get qualified legal advice to ensure that your rights are fully protected. Getting legal advice ensures your future peace of mind.

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